Thursday, 1 April 2010
Music Magazine Evaluation
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Monday, 29 March 2010
Thursday, 25 March 2010
Friday, 5 February 2010
Thursday, 14 January 2010
Music Magazine Chart For My Time
Make Blog - Week 1
Proposal - Week 1
Survey to evaluate audience expectations of genre - Week 3
Deconstruct similar media products - Week 2
Three potential feature items - Week 2
Conventions of music magazines - Week 4
Research music magazines publishers - Hand in Week 5
Flat plans of print work - Week 6
Take & manipulate original photos - Week 6
Front cover, double page feature and contents page - Week 7
Survey to evaluate final product
Evaluation PPT blog presentation
Planning and Research 1st Dec
Front Cover Contents Page and Double page spread 15th Dec
Evaluation Jan 19th
Monday, 4 January 2010
Music Magazine Conventions
AS Media Studies
In this piece of work I will be analysing what conventions are involved in a music magazine, and what conventions will be involved in my own music magazine. I will be covering the following aspects…
You know what genre a magazine is particularly by the front cover. The front cover gives away the meaning and concept of the magazine, and this is probably the most important part. The masthead is the magazine name, which could be the seller, as the more popular the logo or name of your magazine, the more people are going to buy it.
In my magazine I will be conveying the genres of music called indie & Rock, interviewing a band, and then explaining the characteristics of their songs compared to the mainstream sound of indie.
As i thought about what style i wanted the magazine to look like, i decided to take a different approach . As you will see in the final peices, i have changed the look drastically, which could show that im being creative with my work.
Saturday, 2 January 2010
Student Magazine

This is my student magazine that i created previous to this long production.
I used a fellow student to take 4 + photo's, and use them to create a contents page and a front cover.
I have used a 3 colour system in which means, i have not used on the front cover any colours apart from red black and grey.
I have included the left third, masthead, selling line, headline, date and price, barcode, and other convienient information.
The Left third includes information that i thought would interest people my age, and students within a school or a college.
This magazine is mostly aimed at women, but men are free to read it.
On the contents page i have included all the relevant information that is included in the magazine.
I have also put page numbers on, and a large picture of the main topic in the magazine.
At the bottom i have included a competion, as i think this will attract more readers to the magazine.
Ideas (Magazine Names)
Media Music Magazine Names
- Extremeee
- Music Monthly
- Plectrum
I have decided to go with the name, PLECTRUM, as I think this is the most associated to music.